Monday, July 19, 2010


Finally, the plateau has been uh, well what do you do to a plateau, mowed?
Sunday morning I weighed in at 201 - ten pounds gone, five more to go.
My partner on the other hand, only has one pound to go - I'm getting my ass kicked.
In my defense, she had less to lose...
Now if I can make it through a Mariners game without gaining it all back....

Monday, July 12, 2010

The Dreaded "Plateau"

Ten days later, and I'm still within a pound of where I was.  A pound heavier - ug!  Somehow I avoided the plateau last time I did the pizza and shake thing, but not this time.  Maybe it's having a beer every night.  Maybe it's that hot fudge shake I had when I was rushing to meet a friend at a game, and it was the only practical option.  I don't know, but I do know the plateau can be a discipline buster.  It's hard to not just eat everything you want when you aren't losing any weight anyways.  It helps that I like all the food I'm eating, there are a few things I miss, but overall I eat just as well, just as tasty, as I ate when I could eat anything I wanted.  Hopefully next weeks weigh-in will be more inspiring.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Yes this is still the Pizza and MilkShake Blog - new format, few ads

trying a new, and I think better looking, but perhaps slower loading format.  And while the main site still is completely ad free, as I intend it to always be, since google puts ads on these blogger blogs, I thought I'd join the fun, click to support :)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Six pounds - in the buff.

It's been a week since we started, so I weighed myself this morning.  I was sans clothes, and I was wearing boxers and a long sleeve shirt when I first weighed in, so I had a pound or so advantage.  Anyway - I was 205, so up to six pounds lost.  Not as much as the first time I did the pizza and shake thing, but then I had more pounds to lose.  A good start, I know that weight loss can slow down after the first week, but I feel like I am well on my way... Nine more pounds to go!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Breaking all the rules, and still losing...

Yesterday I went out to breakfast with my parents, and out to dinner with my parents and my partner.  I was pretty good for breakfast, but dinner was another story.  The menu was a challenge for anyone staying away from white flour, and it was a day that required a beer.  And after a beer... well, I just ate too much, and none of it was salad, or a shake, or pizza.  So when I weighed myself this morning I wasn't expecting good results.  Instead of gaining, I lost 3 pounds!  I'm down to 208 - woohoo!  And today I'm back on track, so I am expecting to continue losing!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Killer Carrot and Rooster Pizza - so good!

Came up with a new quick, easy vegetarian pizza last week;

crust - dave's KILLER bread - whole grain and awesome.
italian cheese blend
carrot 'chips' - for sale in the produce section, or slice your own
dabble some rooster sauce over the top (garlic hot sauce)
bake/broil at about 370 until the cheese starts to brown

...and let me know what you think!

Day 1

Weighed in today - 211, about 20 pounds over my ideal, and 20 pounds under what I was before I created this plan.  My partner and I are racing to lose 7% of our weight - 15 pounds for me.  She's at work, not sure if she weighed in this morning or not, but it will be around 9 pounds for her.
So far today -
2 eggs and a piece of whole wheat toast for breakfast - with black coffee.
Vanilla Rice Energizer shake (see the shake page) made with apples for lunch
Beanitos chips and black bean salsa for a snack
Need to get a big salad in next...

Back on the Plan (finally)

So the move back to Hawaii was adventurous, to say the least.  An amazing time that included lots of partying, a gig as a kayak guide (in perhaps the most beautiful area in the world), very bohemian digs, and very little opportunity to monitor what I eat.  For the moment, I am back in the NW.  It's grey, rainy and bleh.  But I have better resources to cook and eat well, so while I'm here I'm taking advantage.  So it's back on the Pizza and MilkShake plan!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Free herb, Free toothpaste, or cheap milkshakes

If you've read through my site, you know I get the milkshake mix from  Since I have this code: BUS490 that people use (to get free toothpaste, or anything under $5 free, or $5 off anything else - they have thousands of items -  I get credit towards future purchases (4 cents on the dollar - woohoo! :)). I get my headache herb (butterbur), zinc lozenges to ward off colds, birthday gifts, and other cool stuff from them.  Shipping is super-low (or free if you spend $40 or more) and they also have pages of free stuff you can add to your order (herbs to try, books, more toothpaste, coffee, chocolate and nutrition bars, etc.)  So basically you can use my code and get $5 off your purchase, then they will give you a code - post your code online and accumulate money. You're basically doing the advertising for them but then you get free/super awesome cheap stuff.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Thanks for coming by - all six million of you!

I could never have imagined this site would generate any where near this much traffic - thanks for all the support - hoping you are all successful in your battle against the bulge.

A decent start - 5 pounds in the first week for me - and my partner in crime... already half way to her goal.
I am relocating back to Hawaii this week - not sure how easy it's gonna be to stick to this, but so far so good...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Saturday we begin again!

My partner in crime (I guess the crime would be stealing fat cells??? - sorry it's late) and I have set a date - this coming Saturday to begin. My goal is 30 pounds, hers is 5 (she weighs about half of what I do).

So I am enjoying the last few days of stuffing myself with crap - but I won't miss it - I feel so much better when I am eating right - especially when eating right means pizza and milkshakes!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Getting ready...

It is a new year... a new decade and I've got ten or maybe 20 pounds I'd really like to lose, so I am preparing for the next round... so far I have;
*found a partner to join and support me ( and be supported by me )
*weighed in and roughed out a goal both weight and time to lose it - I will make both the amount I will lose and when I will lose them specific before I begin
*been eating up all the sugar and white flour containing foods in the house
*stopped buying foods that I will not be able to eat once this begins
*procured the proper shake mix

anyone know the creator of this pic so I can credit them?