Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Back on the plan NEXT Monday...

I was going to start following the plan again this past Monday, but just too much going on this week - Bachelor parties, happy hours, charity events, boat trips, BBQs - no need to set myself up to fail. So next Monday (Mondays are a good day to start - no weekend events, and my local pap john's has their Monday special so I can get a cheap whole wheat pizza to start it off). I'm ordering a new supply of Protein Energizer from (remember the $5 off $5 coupon if you haven't used it yet "BUS490"

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Didn't get back on the plan. Still do the occasional milkshake and pizza, and I haven't put much back on, but I am going to have to commit if I am going to get to where I want to be.