Thursday, February 4, 2010

Free herb, Free toothpaste, or cheap milkshakes

If you've read through my site, you know I get the milkshake mix from  Since I have this code: BUS490 that people use (to get free toothpaste, or anything under $5 free, or $5 off anything else - they have thousands of items -  I get credit towards future purchases (4 cents on the dollar - woohoo! :)). I get my headache herb (butterbur), zinc lozenges to ward off colds, birthday gifts, and other cool stuff from them.  Shipping is super-low (or free if you spend $40 or more) and they also have pages of free stuff you can add to your order (herbs to try, books, more toothpaste, coffee, chocolate and nutrition bars, etc.)  So basically you can use my code and get $5 off your purchase, then they will give you a code - post your code online and accumulate money. You're basically doing the advertising for them but then you get free/super awesome cheap stuff.

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