Knew the holidays with family would be a challenge - sweets and homemade cookies offered under your nose daily, big servings of mash potatoes, pie, and other craving-inducing foods. I started off well, really - drinking milkshakes every day, and turning down sweets and cookies, but I also wanted to be in the spirit of the season, so I tasted a cookie here and there. And then the snows came, and we couldn't go anywhere, so I had to eat what was in the house. My mom's blender made a terrible noise, and so she took it back to costco - I tried to make a shake with a mixer, but all I made was a mess - milkshake-banana goo all over the kitchen, the floor, my pants, my shirt, everywhere - what a pain :) Speaking of pain, I haven't worked out in a week either, I miss exercise (did I really just write that?!).
The way I see it, I am setting myself up for my New Year's resolution. I am having a party for 30+ people, and I know I will be drinking, so that will add to my demise. I am up to 199 pounds, so I'll have another 10+ pounds to lose to get to my ideal weight. A good, easily reachable (I hope) goal.